Thursday, January 18, 2007

Web 2.0? Boooooriiiing!

I'm so tired of this Web 2.0 thing!!
I was listening to a very interesting radio broadcast when I realised something… Why do they always have to put name on things? Why do they always have to decide there are some evolutions that are revolutions, and that everything is going to change completely?
Does speaking of Web 2.0 means there is a new version of the web? Was there a Web 1.0, a web
Ok, YouTube, Netvibes, 6Nergies, DailyMotion, Skype are really something huge these days, but it’s a normal evolution from what happened before! The uses evolve with the new ideas, the new software, but especially thanks to the advance of technology (the idea of posting videos online must have existed a looooong time ago, but it wasn’t possible at the 56k age).
Please, you people on the radio, you, the journalist, you, the advertiser, you, the teacher, stop saying we are now in a revolutionary mutation! We ALWAYS are mutating, so are our technologies. So just enjoy and stop thinking for once!


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