Sunday, November 05, 2006

Promising new TV show idea: CCSI: CyberCrime Scene Investigation

Cybercrime is crime using the Internet. Identity theft, previously discussed, is one of the diverse types of cybercrime. Hacking is another one, maybe the best known of all, with the use of viruses.
But there can be virtual crime, or in-game crime, which takes place in the virtual word. Many people play multiplayer games online such as World of Warcraft, The Sims Online, or Second Life. As long as there is a virtual economy, there can be virtual crime: theft, fraudulent sales…

An example from the wikipedia article: "In China, Qiu Chengwei was sentenced to life in prison after stabbing and killing fellow The Legend of Mir 3 gamer Zhu Caoyuan. In the game Qiu had lent Zhu a powerful sword (a "dragon sabre"), which Zhu then went on to sell on eBay for 7,200 Yuan (about £473 or $870). With no Chinese laws covering the online dispute, there was nothing the police could do."

Surprising how people can get involved in virtual worlds!


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