Wednesday, November 14, 2007

The Good-gle, the Badgle and the Gugly

So yes, Google is everywhere.
Google does everything.
Google knows everything.

This is pretty scary, because Google rules the world. Google is my homepage. Google is my emails. Google is my agenda. Google is my videos (Youtube). Google tracks my clicks (or soon with Doubleclick). Google is my maps. Google is my directory. Google is my searches. Google is my blog.

The biggest issue according to me concerns privacy. Google has so much information about so many people, they can do whatever they want. It's not very comforting to know that our private life is not so private, and that a companies owns so many details about us.
But at the same time, I'm not too worried because I think the people at Google know that they can't take unfair advantage of the situation. Abuses would not be tolerated and would hurt them more than profit them. It is really not in their advantage to do that, so they will have to be careful with this concern.

Maybe it's time to relax and think what we can gain from this situation. More personalised tools and applications, for example!

Here is a blog about Google and its diverse possible uses!


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